Bilingual Montessori Preschool
“Casa dei Bambini”, Sofia
Montessori preschool “Casa dei Bambini” is a community of parents, teachers and children that is founded following the Montessori principles. The children in the preschool grow and thrive in a bilingual environment and learn and play both in English and Bulgarian throughout the day. The preschool is one of the 18 preschools outside Britain that has received international accreditation.
12 years of excellence
The preschool was founded on March the 15th, 2008 and is the first Montessori preschool established following the license requirements imposed by the Bulgarian administration on kindergartens. The preschool is certified by the Ministry of Education and Science and has permission to educate children between the ages of 3 to 7 years.
"Casa Dei Bambini" Preschool complies with the high international standards observed by more than 22,000 Montessori preschools and schools around the world. The teachers in “Casa dei Bambini” have specialised in working with the Montessori materials and have studied Montessori pedagogy in Great Britain and Bulgaria.

International Accreditation
In 2014 the Montessori preschool “Casa dei Bambini” became the first educational establishment in Bulgaria to be granted permission by Montessori Centre International, London UK, to provide practical coaching to students who have been trained by the British educational centre.
In 2016 the preschool went through a long quality assessment procedure and as a result was accredited by the Accreditation Board of the Montessori Schools Association, UK. That made us one of the 18 preschools outside of Great Britain with international accreditation.
Education and upbringing in the Montessori preschool Casa dei Bambini, is based upon the methods invented by Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952). Working in the preschool are teachers who have graduated from international Montessori educational centres. The preschool itself provides training to all teachers following the educational methods of Montessori Centre International, London.
The Montessori Approach
We consider each child as an individual and focus on his/her unique personality. Our goal is to develop individuals who are curious and inquisitive about the environment and nature surrounding them, who grow up free, loved, self-reliant, self-disciplined, empathic and broad-minded. We encourage children to evolve by following their capabilities, talents and dreams. Our idea is in absolute compliance with the philosophy and practice of the Montessori method and pedagogy, which allows the child to explore the world to its fullest and grow into a complete person by following his/her inner needs.

Premises & Approach
We decided to establish the Montessori preschool Casa dei Bambini into a cosy, interesting and dynamic house, where children learn how to explore the world while residing in calm, safe and beautiful surroundings. In our preschool children develop their self-discipline, motivation and love for learning as a natural response to their inner needs. We named our house “Casa dei Bambini” after the one that was initially established by Dr. Maria Montessori in 1907 in Rome, Italy. Daily about 50 children attend the preschool on a full-day or half-day basis. The optimal children-teacher ratio is 7 to 1 (without taking into account the assistant teachers, the medical staff and the interns, as well as the external specialists and teachers).
The premises we have created and equipped with love and care are the main prerequisite for the satisfactory functioning of the Montessori preschool Casa dei Bambini. The cosy and beautiful atmosphere in the house is due to the quality furniture which takes into account the anatomical characteristics of the children. We intend to make the children feel at home throughout their day in the preschool.
The house provides a vast garden with greenery, a sandpit, a summerhouse, a shelter, a tree house, climbing facilities and installations for outdoor play, a covered terrace (where the children play on heavy rain days), an outdoor pool (that children use in the summertime), and a gym on the second floor - all these facilities help the children to exercise and play on daily basis (outdoors and indoors), which is crucial for the development of their motor skills.

Joy & PLeasure
The Montessori upbringing in “Casa dei Bambini” is not limited to the work cycle - it is part of each moment, spent in the Montessori preschool Casa dei Bambini. This concept can be observed during the day while the children manage their daily routine, which they go about in a calm, independent and systematic manner, and through how they show curiosity and observance, help their peers and understand other children’s and teachers’ needs and desires. Whilst working with the children, the teachers and the parents follow one of the main principles of the Montessori pedagogy - “help me to do it myself”.

Medical Care
The medical care in Montessori preschool Casa dei Bambini is entrusted to experienced medical experts – a nurse and a doctor in case of emergency. The nurse welcomes the children every morning and should she detect symptoms of illness, she takes necessary measures and informs the parents and the preschool staff.
The teachers in the preschool have first aid training from the Bulgarian Red Cross.

Health & Safety
The building and the organisation of Montessori preschool Casa dei Bambini are subject to strict regulations regarding safety and health. We are certified and have all the required permissions for operating a preschool.
In Montessori preschool Casa dei Bambini we learn through activities that form the daily routine for each and every child; activities such as eating, sleeping, using the toilet, taking off clothes, dressing-up and others. That’s why all of the appliances in the house are suited for a child’s use. Each object in the household (brushes, brooms, cloths, mops, buckets, etc.) has its own designated spot and at any moment the child can use it and then return it to the same place.
We would like to inform parents, who choose to rely on the food provided by Montessori preschool Casa dei Bambini, that the food is delivered by a licensed catering company, which is granted all of the required sanitary permissions.
The menu is balanced and meets the children’s specific needs. It consists of five meals a day and the children are not given ready-to-cook or ready-packed foods, as well as foods with high sodium level or that contain preservatives, dyes, white sugar, fats, chocolate, etc.
We closely monitor the food intake of children with food allergies declared by the parents.
The children are encouraged to frequently drink liquids during the day. Every morning in our preschool the children make the bread themselves from high quality white and whole wheat flours, some of which the children grind in a grain grinder.
The children are also encouraged to eat without assistance.
At lunchtime they learn to set and clear the table themselves, after finishing the meal.
In Montessori preschool Casa dei Bambini, ready-packed unhealthy foods are not allowed. In order to avoid the consumption of such foods by the children, parents should not allow their children to bring such treats and food inside of the setting. There is an exception to this rule only in case of celebration and only if the parents are present.

Rest & Sleep
In Montessori preschool Casa dei Bambini, the children are provided with nourishing afternoon rest and sleep. This to a great extent helps the children to be in good health and elevates their mood, so that they can take part in the afternoon activities and games. The children sleep and rest in special dorms on the second floor of the house. The children are stimulated to perform all the activities concerning the afternoon break such as going to the toilet, taking off and folding clothes, combing and styling their hair and making their beds. They must be patient and wait for their turn. The children who are faster than the others are encouraged to help their friends in the dorms.

Outdoor Play &
Activties in the Garden
The wonderful garden that we have at Montessori preschool Casa dei Bambini is used every day by our children for play and activity. The children play outside every day, during all seasons.
In the warm summer months, we take the Montessori materials outside in the garden, so that the children can work and remain outside during the day.
Summer is also the time that they can have fun in the pool.

Daily Routine
Children’s personal choice and freedom are closely related to regime and discipline. The daily routine is of utmost importance. Holding up to certain rituals and structure and following a specific order of activities at certain hours of the day helps the children gain confidence and security whilst attending the preschool. Every day the children should start and end their day in the preschool around the same hour in order to get socialised and to achieve their academic goals. That’s why we advise parents to ensure the arrival of their children before 9 o’clock every morning. During the day children of different ages work alongside one another and learn how to help each other, both actively and through observation.
Individual Approach
In Montessori preschool Casa dei Bambini, we treat each child with respect towards his/her individual needs, interests and capabilities. We always take into account their age and focus on their freedom of choice. We’re considerate of all children’s personality and rights, and encourage them to play and engage with the other children and adults.
We have certain rules in the group and we insist on following them: order in relationships with others, order in space, and order in time (daily routine).

Carefully Prepared Environment
The Montessori materials are the key to the learning process. The function of the Montessori teacher in the classroom is different from that of a traditional teacher. Initially the teacher observes the child an determines his/her interests and stage of development. After that the teacher carefully plans appropriate activities for each child and stimulates him/her to work with the relevant educational materials in the prepared environment, so that the child can learn based upon what he/she is interested in at the moment. In the prepared Montessori environment the child can find the materials in their places, fully equipped and in perfect order. The sense of order is innate to children. Structure gives them security and internal comfort, and helps them accommodate and adapt swiftly and with ease.
Most of the Montessori materials have a built-in control of error, which allows the child to detect his/her mistake and correct it without unnecessary adult intervention. This helps the children build consistency, confidence and acceptance of mistakes. Gradually the order within the surroundings turns into internal order. In other words – we create a prepared environment everywhere.
Montessori preschool Casa dei Bambini is equipped with original Montessori materials and furniture that complies with international standards. The educational materials are made of natural resources and respond to the needs of children from 3 to 6 years for learning and refinement of skills. The Montesori materials are divided into several categories: activities of everyday living, sensorial, literacy and language, mathematics, knowledge and understanding of the world and art.

Activities of Everyday Living
The educational materials from the activities of everyday living area help children to carry out the same daily activities they do at home - sweeping, polishing, dusting, watering plants, food preparation, table setting and clearing, washing-up dishes, etc. An important part of the weekly curriculum is the cooking classes, during which the children master new practical life skills whilst preparing delicious food. These meaningful activities help the children to achieve independence, self esteem and confidence. While using real objects, they are able to perfect their coordination, concentration, independence, skilfulness, and care for themselves and for others, as well as learning how to be patient, kind and graceful. Though using the materials, the child learns that there is order and structure in every action. On the other hand, these activities also develop gross and fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, cognitive processes: attention, memory, etc.

The Montessori materials for refinement of the senses help the child to understand his/her surroundings, whilst learning through using his/her senses. Each material isolates one concept for the child to discover such as shade of colour, weight, size, shape, texture, sound, smell, taste, etc. The child not only discovers the properties of objects but also gets to know the order and structure of learning. Through the materials the child gets an idea of dimensions, spatial awareness of objects, exercises sequences, and learns to sort and classify information he/she receives from the environment. Using all of their senses the children build concepts of the material world, which are the groundwork for the development of abstract thinking.

The Montessori mathematics materials help the child to associate quantities with the corresponding mathematical symbols. The materials assist the child to look for logic and order. By manipulating concrete objects, even very young children can visualise addition, multiplication, subtraction and division, fractions and four digit operations. The child always works and learns starting from the concrete example and moving towards the abstract concept; thus a solid foundation is made for the child to visually understand the abstract mathematical symbols.

Language and Literacy
The purpose of the Montessori language and literacy materials is to create a natural transition towards the development of reading and writing skills. Initially the child learns the phonetics of the language followed by beginning to build short, mostly three-letter words. After that the child starts to build longer words and sentences. When the child has learned how to construct words and how to write, he/she continues with reading at her/his own pace. In the course of the Bulgarian and English language sessions the children participate in many language games which develop listening skills, auditory memory, lay grammar basics, introduce phonetics, strengthen speech and comprehension of a fictional story, storytelling, and prepare the children for reading and writing, etc.
The teachers work individually with each child so that he/she fulfills the state educational criteria for their respective age. In the English sessions the teachers work with the same original Montessori materials that are used in United Kingdom. Upon parental agreement, and if additional and individual work with the child is required, the preschool offers additional speech therapy sessions, which take place in the setting two times a week. There is also a reading nook where the children can sit comfortably and have direct access to the bookshelf.

Knowledge & Understanding of the World
In the period when children are highly conscious of their surroundings, topics relating to geography, history, biology and other sciences, help them understand the existing world. Children comprehend what is their role in the world and grasp the idea that they are actually a part of the world as whole. Geographical maps, country flags maps, materials about cardinal directions, the life cycles of plants and animals, dinosaurs, educational games about Olympic sports and vehicles, sensorial materials about planets and nature cycles, and various experiments - these are only a small part of all the materials children have access to throughout their day in the preschool.

Connection to Nature & Ecology
The connection to nature and learning in a natural environment is a must in planning the activities in the preschool. Often sessions take place outdoors in the garden or in the treehouse. In the art activities the children are encouraged to use recyclable materials (plastic bottles, lids, plastic or paper cups). Outside in the garden the children cultivate their own bio-garden: they plant and take care of the vegetables, herbs and flowers. In the setting’s garden there is a range of growing trees, including cherry, plum, hazel, walnut, a vine and a pear tree. The children can enjoy the delicious fruits from the trees throughout the summer and autumn. The yard is not only a place for physical activities, it is a place where children can naturally learn, socialise, experiment and achieve self-perfection.

Craft and Art Studio
All the materials for art and craft activities in the Montessori classroom are at the children’s disposal. The teachers regularly stock the shelf with natural and unconventional materials, which help the children to perfect the main art techniques. With assistance of the teachers or all by themselves, the children can express their sense of colour and shapes, and can explore the combination of materials on different surfaces, using different creative techniques.

Music, Dance & Movement Activities
Here in “Casa dei Bambini”, music is all around us. The children can enjoy classical music both in the Montessori classroom and during special musical classes. Every day our teachers organise music and movement activities that improve children’s general music skills. The piano and singing classes are an important part of our daily routine too. Every day we sing and dance with the assistance of our musical pedagogue Michaela and her classical piano. Dance is also part of our curriculum, and during these classes we present different styles of music, and have fun while moving in rhythm and re-creating elements of musical styles - rock, waltz, tango, Latino, folk dances, ballet, etc.

Time to Share (Circle Time)
Every day in the Montessori preschool “Casa dei Bambini”, we have circle time. This is the time when teachers and children share thoughts, feelings, ideas, as well as using the opportunity to go through the rules and regime in the preschool, or to discuss any other topic of interest. The teachers and the children plan together the topics of discussion and the materials which will be made by the group. During circle time children develop important skills - turn-taking and waiting, following group rules, communication and respecting others’ opinions, speaking in front of the group, using a signal when they want to speak, and many other important group and team skills.

In the Montessori preschool “Casa dei Bambini”, a lot of additional sport classes are organised by the teachers every week - yoga, aikido, ballet and basketball for example.
Speech Therapy & Psychological Support
Upon parents’ request children can attend speech therapy and psychological sessions every week, with the preschool working together with some of the best professionals in Sofia. The regular observations and diagnostics play a preventive role, and thus any potential issues are being addressed at early age.

Guests and Outings
Visits relating to current and interesting cultural, sport or other events, which take place outside of the premises of the Montessori preschool are periodically organised. Attending the additional classes and outing is at parents’ and children’s desire. Each month we invite different guests to our preschool: parents, who present interesting activities, members of the community that show diversity, and people who can share their professions with us, such as an artist or potter, a candle maker, policemen, people from different cultures and many others. Often parents take part in the additional activities in the preschool.
Parent Involvement
The parents in the Montessori preschool Casa dei bambini participate in the work with their children. On a daily basis they receive reports regarding the children’s wellbeing, such as feeding, sleep and toilet. At the beginning, the middle and the end of the school year pedagogical diagnostic assessments of the children are carried out, and the parents receive a summary report. Upon the beginning of each school year the psychologist and the speech therapist prepare and provide the parents with the psychological and speech status of every child. Every last Wednesday of the month during the course of the school year, meetings are held regarding various topics in education and upbringing. The preschool encourages and assists the parents to share ideas about parenting and to get together in joint activities outside of the preschool.